
Kate Moss: Tochter Lila Grace gibt Laufsteg-Debüt


Wie die Mama so die Tochter! Lila Grace Moss debütiert mit 18 Jahren bei der Pariser Fashion Week.

Wer bei diesem Auftritt wohl stolzer war? Lila Grace Moss (18), Tochter von Model-Legende Kate Moss (46) gab bei der Fashion Week in Paris ihr Laufsteg-Debüt. Im gleichen Alter wie damals ihre Mama, durfte Lila nun als Model beginnen. Sehr souverän schritt sie für die italienische Marke "Miu Miu" über den Laufsteg. Sogar eröffnen durfte sie die Kleiderschau, was eine große Ehre ist.

Lila Grace ist dankbar

Aufregung konnte man der 18-Jährigen nicht anmerken, sie wirkte schon wie ein Profi im Model-Business. Nach der Show gab sich Lila dankbar, schrieb auf Instagram: "DANKE, dass ich bei der traumhaftesten Show debütieren durfte."



Die Miu Miu Show



Fusing physical experience with digital, the staging of the Miu Miu Spring/Summer 2021 show both addresses the unique demands of our time and the fundamental needs of the medium of the fashion show. The show decor, realised by AMO, is an elliptical stadium, referencing the worlds of sports: as athletes act out their movements for an audience, they transform these spaces not only into a palace of sports, but an arena of observation. This is inherently tied with the experience of the runway show: in both, a group of people commune to not only bear witness but, in their presence, play a part in a collective moment. Around the world, Miu Miu invites audiences of women to gather together to view the show - simultaneously connected, again witnesses of an event. Communities of women have always been integral to the spirit and identity of Miu Miu: their nurturing and support of one another, their pursuit of shared values and goals. This season, those communities of women are also intrinsic to the show itself. The spectators are integrated into the show: interrupting the stadium’s white rubber walls, three digital lounges of screens will display the observer to the observed. The digital audience’s reactions, visible within the space, replicates the dynamic of a physical audience, virtual exchange given a new power. Expanding on this idea, a series of tech activations around the show link the spheres of the virtual world with real-life - in collaboration with Instagram, Miu Miu launches an augmented reality filter that transforms any view into a virtual expression of the showspace. In its fusing of reality and virtual fantasy, it is a reflection of contemporary life. Soundtrack by @Frederic_Sanchez Tracks by @Automatic_Band #PFW

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Miu Miu (@miumiu) am

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