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SIE ist Trumps heißester Fan


Die 25-jährige Ex-Soldatin versext das Netz.

Seit knapp einem Jahr ist Donald Trump inzwischen schon im Amt. In dieser Zeit hat der US-Präsident mit seiner umstrittenen Politik Amerika und die Welt politisiert und teilweise auch geschockt.

Trump wurde aber natürlich demokratisch gewählt und hat deshalb auch zahlreiche Fans. Der wohl heißeste Trump-Anhänger ist eine 25-jährige Ex-Soldatin, die nun für Furore im Netz sorgt. Unter dem Namen Infitdel lässt die junge Frau aus Wisconsin die Männerherzen höherschlagen und zeigt sich dabei als sexy Patriotin im Netz.

Rund 135.000 Fans folgen der heißen Ex-Soldatin schon im Netz. Hier sind ihre besten Bilder.

????????❌Reasons you're not seeing progress: ????You spend more time on your phone than working out at the gym. This is your time. You got to the gym which can be the hardest step for most, use that time wisely and intentionally. ????????‍♀️You're too worried about how silly you'll look or what people will think of you at the gym. More than likely, others are worried about the same thing or they're too busy admiring their gains in the mirror. Don't be afraid to sweat and look disgusting. You are there for YOU, and nobody else. If you have gym anxiety, this is normal. My advice to you is go at times where the gym is less crowded until you gain some confidence. I always do something embarrassing while working out i.e. the other day a resistance band come and smacked me cold in the noggin. Didn't stop me from getting my workout on. ????????‍♀️ ????You're ruining your healthy progress during the week by making poor decisions on the weekend. I am all for balance. Trust me girl, I love burgers, pizza and beer. But the key word here is balance. If you cheat on your meals your entire weekend, let's say Friday through Sunday (3 days out of 7 in the week), this is 43% of diet of your diet you're throwing out the window. 57% of healthy eating is not enough to make up for what was lost. Stick to one to two cheat meals a weekend, be cognizant about how many calories you're drinking and portion control your meals. --- If you're not seeing progress, there is a reason. Unless you have metabolic, hormone issues, or other serious health conditions, your body will more than likely respond well to healthy eating and exercise. --- Stay consistent. And don't give up as discouraging as it can be at times. #fitness #fitnesstips #fitmom #motivator #motivation #bodybuilding

Ein Beitrag geteilt von ????????USAF Veteran (@infitdel) am

What helps you get out of a rut?????????‍♀️ A couple of things: 1) I haven't been to the gym in a week. I've been eating well, but I haven't I haven't been making my health a priority (mental or physical) and having a sick kiddo, hubby gone, a few other life stressors, no babysitter, doesn't help. But, I know how to prioritize my time-with all of those factors in play-to make my health a priority and I have just failed in doing so. 2) Nobody owes you a dang thing in life. So learn to be as self sufficient as possible. 3) I notice a major difference in my mood and energy levels when I do not workout. This affects how much energy I have for my kiddos. THIS is why I make my health a priority. If you fall off the gain train, it's ok. It truly makes you appreciate the benefits you get from eating well and exercising. I believe that's an important lesson to learn. So, get back on and chug along. WE got dis. ????????????????????

Ein Beitrag geteilt von ????????USAF Veteran (@infitdel) am

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